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Informix - IFX_DIRTY_WAIT=1024

Tentei alterar uma tabela no Informix apareceu este erro
SQL:   New  Run  Modify  Use-editor  Output  Choose  Save  Info  Drop  Exit
Run the current SQL statements.
----------------------- fronteiras@sefaz30 ----- Press CTRL-W for Help --------
alter table nfe_eletronicaadd(nfe_rae_hr_atu datetime year to minute  default null)

242: Could not open database table (dba.nf_eletronica).  
106: ISAM error:  non-exclusive access.
Para poder rodar tive que dar o comando abaixo o Informix aguarda x segundos até a tabela ser liberada e executa o comando
export IFX_DIRTY_WAIT=1024
Depois de dar o comando acima rodei de novo o alter - depois de algum tempo rodando terminou ok;
SQL:   New  Run  Modify  Use-editor  Output  Choose  Save  Info  Drop  Exit
Run the current SQL statements.
----------------------- fronteiras@sefaz30 ----- Press CTRL-W for Help --------
alter table nfe_eletronicaadd(nfe_rae_hr_atu datetime year to minute  default null);

 Table altered.
Explicação desse Erro

After the LOCK TABLE statement with the IN EXCLUSIVE MODE option executes successfully, no other user can obtain a lock on the specified table. When you attempt a DDL operation on that table, however, you might receive RSAM error -106 if the same table is being accessed by a concurrent session (for example, by opening a cursor). This error can also affect implicit locks that certain DDL statements place on tables automatically.

This is possible because table locks do not preclude table access. An exclusive lock prevents other users from obtaining a lock, but it cannot prevent them from opening the table for write operations that wait for the exclusive lock to be released, or for Dirty Read operations on the table. You can set the IFX_DIRTY_WAIT environment variable to specify that the DDL operation wait for a specified number of seconds for Dirty Read operations to commit or rollback.

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